The eccentric patrons of the dilapidated Capt. Jake's band together to save their favourite bar after a small fire torches the kitchen.
Thinking “Cheers”? … think again, at Capt. Jake’s, the beer is cheap and the bartenders are hot.
Capt. Jake’s has definitely seen better days, but if you want sexy characters, we’ve got plenty. Take Rocky, our Latina bartender and soccer fan, who keeps the beer flowing while handing out red and yellow cards for bad behaviour.

You want controversy. Try India, the cantankerous hippie weed dealer, who sits sentry at the door. He enjoys making provocative and offensive comments when he is not selling five dollar joints.
You want music. Try our jukebox or sit back and listen to Geri, who sings her heart out every Tuesday evening. Her hysterical contagious laugh and bawdy humour inject the dive with some light-hearted moments.
​You want lunatics, take the hapless Re-Pete who accidentally blows up the microwave with his blow-your-mind hash brownies and burns the kitchen down.
You want heroes. Go no further than Maverick, the former captain of a professional hockey team, who spearheads the “Save Capt. Jake's” kitchen renovation.
You want comedy, take BB Bob and his fibreglass moose, Trigger.
Roll the drums for the dancing parrot, Sinbad, who mimics the antics of the regulars.

Once a week, Capt. Jake’s and its characters take you, the viewer, on a crazy magic carpet ride.